Project in Project ←→ MUTANT 跨界混種,集體異變
5組新世代音樂創作者 x 5支全3D動態影像 x 實體概念展
「MUTANT集體異變實體展」作為2020年Project in Project計劃的成果展出,以「跨界混種,集體異變」為概念,將首次展出由ØZI【 FREE FALL 】、PONY5IBE ft.陳嫺靜【 THEY SAID 】、李浩瑋【 I SEE 】、美秀集團【 殭屍王 】、落日飛車【OVERLOVE】五支MV背後所串聯的世界觀,同時也將揭露3D藝術創作者們的幕後設製花絮,以及此次合作的音樂端各廠牌,在經過Project in Project計劃的心得訪談。而此次「MUTANT」相較於展覽更像是一場行動,一場由視覺及聽覺所引導,個體間混種而產生的集體異變,觀者如同個體,藉由串連不同領域,突破既往對於視覺的想像,同時也將是Project in Project對未來規劃的前導鋪陳。
Key Visual Design
We will all be different individuals from each other, each covered by a layer of protection, through the intermixing between individuals, we will become mutants in the process of trying to understand and try to dialogue.

「MUTANT | Animated MV Short Film」
"MUTANT | Animated MV Short Film" is presented as the result of the Project in Project plan in 2020. It is based on the concept of "cross-border hybridization, collective change". It will be produced by PONY5IBE ft. Chen Xianjing - THEY SAID, Sunset Rollercoaster - Overlove, Howard Lee- I SEE , Amazing Show-The Ultimate Virus , ØZI - FREE FALL The universe behind the five MVs. Separate images, one mirror to the bottom, inverted images, circular images, and 360-degree videos are used as visual media to create the possibility of design thinking for animated MVs.
作為2020年Project in Project計劃的成果呈現,以「跨界混種,集體異變」為概念,將由 PONY5IBE ft.陳嫺靜【 THEY SAID 】、落日飛車【OVERLOVE】、李浩瑋【 I SEE 】、美秀集團【 殭屍王 】、ØZI【 FREE FALL 】五支MV背後所串聯的世界觀。並分別利用分割畫面、一鏡到底、顛倒畫面、圓形畫面與360度影片作為視覺媒介,創造出動畫MV的設計思維的可能性。

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